If education is the answer, what is the question? According to an article in the July 25, 2005 issue of Fortune magazine, education is the key solution to the problem of the USA losing its technical superiority worldwide. Yes, what we have taken for granted all these years is now slippling away very rapidly. While we are still the leader in high tech innovation and creativity, that is beginning to move to other centers like China and India. So not only is our manufacturing moving offshore to those places, but our researach, development and engineering is also moving there. We didn't get too upset as the manufacturing moved out, but we are really getting concerned when all our high end engineering and innovation are leaving too. This is truly a crisis. But like many of these trends it happens gradually so we either don't see it or we do not give it much credibility much less attention. Wrong...
Anyway, I urge you to read this article. By the time you get this it may be off the newstands, but you can probably find a copy in your college library. By all means read it.
Education is the answer, but how can we change the publics perception that technical education is good thing not just for a few geeks and gear heads? How can we attract more students into our programs? Let's work on that and by all means share your thoughts, ideas and rants here on this blog. They are always welcome.
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