My original focus in this blog was to address the low enrollment problem in 2-year AAS degree programs in electronic technology. This is still a nationwide problem and the blog will continue to address this critical issue and seek solutions.
But beginning with this posting, I want to switch emphasis to my secondary goal of curriculum reform. At the heart of the low enrollment problem lies the very dated curriculum that colleges are offering. The basics are still being taught but the whole curriculum is still skewed from the real world.
I recently wrote an article on this topic called "Are We Teaching the Right Subjects in AAS Degree Electronics Tecnology Programs?" This article was recently publised in the online journal TECHNOLOGY INTERFACE. To see my article and get familiar with this interesting publication, go to Go to the Spring 2006 issue. Check out the back issues while you are on the site.
The TECHNOLOGY INTERFACE is published by Jeff Beasley at New Mexico State University. It is a nice mix of article on all aspects of engineering technology education. It is a peer reviewed journal. My personal thanks to Jeff for giving us a publication directed at technology issues and techniques.
And let me hear your comments about the article, for or against.